Hampshire Genealogical Society

Product Ref: VB085

Herriard Village Booklet

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Herriard Village Booklet (VB085) is a comprehensive study of the history of this ancient Hampshire village and the parish of St Mary.

Herriard is a parish dating from Saxon times and contains within its boundary the hamlet of Southrope. It lies five miles to the south of Basingstoke and six miles north of Alton.

This twelve page booklet includes a map and is packed with historical information about large houses, the church, the school, inns (including the original Golden Dell, and The New Inn, and contiguous parishes. Many local surnames including de PAUT, PAULET, JERVOISE, HENNES, TURVILL, WINTER;  also of landowners, innkeepers, farm workers and school masters and mistresses are also included.

To assist with your research, useful references for Herriard documents, records and photographs held at the Hampshire Record Office are given throughout, together with website addresses for more information.


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