Hampshire Genealogical Society

Product Ref: VB003

East Meon Village Booklet

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The Village Booklet on East Meon explores this ancient village positioned at the head of the Meon Valley. It is a beautiful village with several old buildings – the Medieval court house, Norman church and even one of the oldest houses in Hampshire with the position of its smoke hole still visible. This booklet (updated in Sept 2021 with new website links) will be invaluable to those researching their East Meon family history.

Along with a useful map showing East Meon and its contiguous settlements, are descriptions of the places of worship, past and present. Did you know about the little chapel in the field, lost without trace?

Surnames of East Meon inhabitants are scattered throughout, from school master and inn keeper to landowner, and sources as diverse as Hearth Taxes, Enclosure Awards and Trade Directories are explored. Particularly interesting are the references to the non-conformist chapel in Ramsdean.


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