Hampshire Genealogical Society

HGS: Here to help you explore and research your Family History

If you need help with your research, use the website to post queries to our Research Centre or Area Groups. Alternatively, you can visit us at our centre in Winchester where we can advise, guide and assist you in person.  We also offer a range of publications and data CDs that have been written or transcribed by our members which are available for sale through the online shop, the Research Centre or our Bookstall at events nationwide.

Across the County we have 8 groups that meet monthly offering lectures, visits and discussions.  Our membership is world-wide and we receive enquiries and requests for help with researching Hampshire ancestors from family historians in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In order to engage more closely with our overseas members, we have established the International Group which meets via Zoom every other month: the National Group – designed for those who cannot attend County group meetings – meets via Zoom on alternate months. Any member can, of course, join these online meetings.

But it’s not just about Hampshire ancestry.   It’s about the help, support and advice you receive in your quest to find out about your forebears. Whether you have family connections within Hampshire or further afield; whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will receive a warm welcome. Join HGS and you will be joining more than just a Society; you will become part of an informed and friendly network of fellow family historians.

Be part of Your Family History Community