Fleet and Farnborough HGS Family History Group meet monthly for talks and visits to inspire and help you with your research
Welcome to the Fleet and Farnborough Group page. This friendly and welcoming group meets at 7:30pm, on the second Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church Hall, Kings Road, Fleet, Hants GU51 3AF.
Fleet and Farnborough are situated in the north east corner of the county and our members come from both of the towns as well as the surrounding villages. We are always very pleased to welcome visitors and new members.
Joining your local group provides an opportunity to meet other people who share the same enthusiasm for family history and to share skills and expertise. It’s also an opportunity for you to help others to break down ‘brick walls’ in their research and get some help with your own. The talks, workshops, and social events also provide a great opportunity to extend your knowledge and have fun!
Why Join Fleet & Farnborough Group?
An added bonus of the Fleet and Farnborough Group is the reference library, which members are free to use.
Come as a visitor, or better still, join the HGS and become part of the larger Hampshire Family History community.
The Group meetings are either a talk from a speaker on a family history related subject, or a Members’ Evening, usually arranged around members interests or a particular topic request. The meeting is followed by tea/coffee and biscuits, which gives everyone the opportunity to meet and chat with the speaker and each other.
We hope you enjoy reading the articles we have written about our activities or things that interest us. If you have an article that you would like to share we would be delighted to hear from you.
HGS Fleet and Farnborough Group Events & Meetings
Our meetings are in-person unless indicated.
It is possible that some meetings will be via Zoom in the future. Please check below, and if the meeting is via Zoom please contact us using the below form no later than 24 hours prior to the talk to be added to the invitation list. Remember to include your membership number or indicate if you are a guest.
- April 10, 2025, 7:30 pm: Roelof Vlietstra, Engelandvaarder (England Voyager) – Martin Vlietstra, HGS group member + the Annual Branch Meeting
A very different war story about Martin’s father during WW2 and the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
- May 8, 2025, 7:30 pm: Archives Of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission – Gareth Berry of the CWGC
Using the CWGC archives for research and an exploration of the gems it contains.
- June 12, 2025, 7:30 pm: The Sands Of Time: A Surrey Cottage from 1450 – Dr. Nicholas Dixon
Dr. Nicholas Dixon, member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, will share some remarkable insights into the history of south-east England from one seemingly insignificant cottage in Limpsfield.
- July 10, 2025, 7:30 pm: A Tale Of Two Houses – By Their Deeds Be Known! – Carol Gomm, HGS member
The story of two houses in Fleet & how modest, 20th century houses can also have history.
- August 14, 2025, 7:30 pm: Members' Social
- September 11, 2025, 7:30 pm: The Story Of English Handwriting – Jan Smith, retired archivist of 35 years
From early inscriptions to the 20th C including the script used in those pesky parish registers & deeds
- October 9, 2025, 7:30 pm: Stories From A Hampshire Town In WW2 – Tony Cross, retired curator of the Curtis Museum
Although based on Alton, these are events that many other towns would have also experienced in WW2.
- November 13, 2025, 7:30 pm: Members’ Evening - No Place Like Home
A look at the family homes of members. Hopefully inspired by talks this year, here is the chance for you tell us the history of a house your family lived in.
- December 11, 2025, 7:30 pm: Christmas Festivities
The Group is currently run by committee. They can be contacted using the form on this page.
Find Us Here:
United Reform Church Hall
Kings Rd
GU51 3AF
2nd Thursday of the month
(except August)
Contact Fleet & Farnborough Group Organiser
If you would like to know more about the Fleet & Farnborough Group and its forthcoming events, then please contact the group organiser using this form.