Hampshire Genealogical Society

The Alton Group is not meeting in its previous format at the moment. Enquiries are in hand with a view to the Group evolving, rather than closing, hopefully in a different venue and possibly on a different day.

Please read the HGS website and Facebook / X (Twitter) pages for any updates in the coming weeks.

Tony Sinclair, HGS Chairman


Alton is a historic market town, lying in the north east of the county. Our members come both from Alton and the surrounding area, and we are always very pleased to welcome visitors and new members. A fully operational hearing loop has been installed in the hall. If anyone planning to attend one of our evenings wishes to take advantage of this facility would they please let the Group Organisers know beforehand so that it can be switched on.

Why Join HGS Alton Group?

Joining your local group provides an opportunity to meet other people who share the same enthusiasm for family history, and to share skills and expertise. It’s also an opportunity to help others break down ‘brick walls’ in their research and have some help with your own.

Jane Austen's House, Chawton

The talks, workshops, and social events also provide a great opportunity to extend knowledge and have fun!

We’ve also written a number of articles that we hope will interest you, these will be published on the group page. If you have an article that you would like included, we would be delighted to receive it!

Come as a visitor, or better still, join the HGS and become part of the larger Hampshire Family History community.


Group meetings consist of either a talk from a speaker on a family history related subject, or a Members’ Evening usually arranged around members interests or a requested topic. The meeting is followed by tea/coffee and biscuits, giving everyone an opportunity to meet and chat with the speaker and each other.

HGS Alton Group Events & Meetings



Contact Alton Group Organiser

If you would like to know more about the Alton Group and its forthcoming events, then please contact the group organiser using this form.

  • Optional Field. Only provide this if you do not mind being contacted by telephone. The group organiser may contact you by phone or email as appropriate to the enquiry.

Be part of Your Family History Community