The HGS ‘Britons Dying Overseas’ (BDO) reference books catalogue.
This document database, new to our website, is a list of the books used by Dennis Pearce during the 40+ years that he was compiling the BDO cards we are currently transcribing (available in the Members’ Area).
The books listed in this catalogue may be of interest to researchers.
BDO Catalogue
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Country | Author Surname | Author First name | Title | Publisher | Where Pub'd | Date Pub'd | Brief info |
Afghanistan | Eyre | V or U | Journal of an Afghan prisoner 1841 - 2 | Book Club Edition, Routledge & K.P. | ? | 1976 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Afghanistan | Farrington | A. | Second Afghan War 1878-80 Casu[a]lty Roll | London Stamp Exchange | ? | 1986 | Casualty Roll |
Africa | Magor | R.B. | African General Service Medals | Naval & Military Press | London | 1993 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Anderson | C.L | Lincolnshire Convicts to Australia, Bermuda and Gibraltar | Laece Books | Lincoln | 1993 | Lincolnshire Convicts |
Australia | Anon | Anon | West Gippsland Pioneers and Settlers pre 1900 | West Gippsland Genealogical Society | ? | 2001 | West Gippsland Pioneers and Settlers |
Australia | Anon | Anon | Wiltshire Emigration Association 1849 - 51 28 pages | Wiltshire FHS | Wiltshire | 1993 | Emigrants from Wiltshire |
Australia | Bateson | C. | Convict Ships 1787 - 1868 | Library of Australian History | ? | 1983 | Convict Ships to Australia 1787 - 1868 |
Australia | Beddoe | D. | Welsh Convict Women transported from Wales to Australia 1787 - 1852 | Stewart Williams | Barry, Glamorgan | 1979 | Welsh Convict Women transported from Wales to Australia 1787 - 1852 |
Australia | Brown | M. | Australia Bound - the story of Welsh Country connexions 1688 - 1888 | Ex Libris Press | ? | 1988 | Australia Bound - the story of Welsh Country connexions 1688 - 1888 |
Australia | Button | P. | Free Passage to Paradise? Passenger Lists of U.K emigrants who applied for free passage to South Australia 1836 - 1840 | South Australia G & H Society | South Australia | 1992 | Passenger Lists of U.K emigrants who applied for free passage to South Australia 1836 - 1840 |
Australia | Campbell | G. | Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S | Hodder & Stoughton | ? | 1936 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Cannon | Michael | Perilous Voyages to the New Lands - experiences of Australian pioneer families on the High Seas | Today's Australia Publishing Co. | ? | 1997 | Experiences of Australian pioneer families on the High Seas |
Australia | Chuk | F. | Somerset Years - government assisted emigrants from Somerset and Bristol who arrived in Port Philip, Victoria, Australia 1839 - 1854 | Pennard Hill Publications | Ballarat | 1987 | Government-assisted emigrants from Somerset and Bristol who arrived in Port Philip, Victoria, Australia 1839 - 1854 |
Australia | Clarke | P. | Colonial Women, the life and times of Mary Braidwood Mowle 1836 - ? | ? | ? | ? | Life and times of Mary Braidwood Mowle 1836 - ? |
Australia | Cobley | J. | Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts | Angus and Robertson | Australia | 1982 | Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts |
Australia | Cochrane | D. | Black Country (Staffordshire) Criminal Ancestors 1787 - 1868 | Cochrane | ? | 2003 | Staffordshire Criminal Ancestors |
Australia | Crago | T. | First Fleet and Year of Settlement | Woolhara Sales | Newtown, NSW | 2003 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Dunn | J. | Parramatta Cemeteries - St. John's | Parramatta District Historical Society | ? | 1991 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Dunn | J. | Parramatta Cemeteries - St. Patrick's | Parramatta District Historical Society | ? | ? | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Flynn | M. | Second Fleet - Britain's grim Convict Armada of 1790 | Library of Australian History | ? | 1993 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Fox | N. | Berkshire to Botany Bay - the 1830 Labourers' Revolt, its causes and consequences | Littlefield Publishing | Newbury | ? | 1830 Labourers' Revolt, its causes and consequences |
Australia | Gillen | M. | Founders of Australia - a biographical dictionary of the First Fleet, 1788 | Library of Australian History | ? | 1989 | Biographical dictionary of the First Fleet, 1788 |
Australia | Griffin | K. | Transported beyond the Seas - an alphabetical listing of criminals in Hertfordshire 1784 - 1866 | Herts Family and Population History Society | ? | 1997 | Alphabetical listing of criminals transported from Hertfordshire 1784 - 1866 |
Australia | Hawkins | David T. | Bound for Australia - tracing transported convicts and non-convict arrivals | Phillimore | ? | 1987 | Tracing transported convicts and non-convict arrivals in Australia |
Australia | Hocking | G. | Bound for Botany Bay - the First Fleet and the convict years | Waverton Press | NSW | 2004 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Holland | B. | Across the Ocean Wide: index of those persons sentenced to transportation in Nottinghamshire 1748 - 67 | Nottinghamsire FHS Records Series, Vol 103 | ? | ? | Index of those persons sentenced to transportation in Nottinghamshire 1748 - 67 |
Australia | Hughes | H and L. | Discharged in New Zealand - soldiers of the Imperial Foot Regiments who took their discharge in N.Z. 1840 - 1870 | New Zealand Society of Genealogists | ? | ? | Soldiers of the Imperial Foot Regiments who took their discharge in N.Z. 1840 - 1870 |
Australia | Hughes | R. | Fatal Shore - history of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia 1787 - 1868 | Colins Harvill | ? | 1987 | History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia 1787 - 1868 |
Australia | Hughes | R. | Fatal Shore - Transportation 1787 - 1868 | Vintage Books | ? | 2003 | (Updated version of the above?) |
Australia | Clarke-Kennedy | A.E. | Cambridge to Botany Bay - Victorian (Mortlock) family tragedy | A.E.C.K. | ? | 1983 | Victorian (Mortlock) family tragedy |
Australia | Kitson | J. | Great Emigrations 2 - the British to the Antipodes | Gentry Books | London | 1972 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Lloyd | Lewis | Australians from Wales 1788 - 1988 | Lewis Lloyd | ? | 1988 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Lockwood | D. | Front Door, Darwin (Australia) 1869 - 1969 | Rigby Ltd. | Australia | 1968 | ? |
Australia | McLaughlin and Coughtrey | E. and J.G. | Buckinghamshire Convicts sent to Australia 1789 - 1865 | Bucks Publications | ? | 1993 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | McCann | ? | Emigrants and Transportees from West Sussex 1675 - 1839 | West Sussex Records Office | ? | 1984 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Mate[n]son | E Matenson | Sullivan Bay and Beyond - short history of two Port Philip Bay First Fleeters and some of their descendants | Matenson | Victoria, Australia | 1988 | Short history of two Port Philip Bay First Fleeters and some of their descendants |
Australia | Martin | G. (Editor) | Founding of Australia - arguement about Australia's origins | Hale and Ironmonger | Sydney | 1978 | Arguement about Australia's origins |
Australia | May | Phillip Ross | West Coast (of New Zealand) Gold Rushes in the 1860s | Pegusus | ? | 2nd Editiion 1967 | New Zealand Gold Rushes in the 1860s |
Australia | Melton | J. | Ships' Deserters 1852 - 1900, including Stragglers, Strays and Absentees from H.M. Ships | Library of Australian History | ? | 1986 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Moorhead | A. | Cooper's Creek, the story of the Burke and Wills expedition to cross Australia from south to north | Reprint Society | London | 1965 | Story of the Burke and Wills expedition to cross Australia from south to north |
Australia | Mortlock | J.F. | Experiences of a convict transported for twenty one years | Sydney University Press | ? | 1965 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Mount | D. | Transportation from Hull and the East Riding to America and Australia from Quarter Sessions' Records | East Yorkshire F.H.S. | ? | ? | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Reakes and Johnson | J. and E.B. | He must have swum! Tracing your ancestor's arrival in Australia | Reakes | Hervey Bay, Queensland | 1997 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Sams | J. | Diary of Joseph Sams, an emigrant (to Australia) in the Northumberland 1874 | H.M.S.O. | ? | 1982 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Simpson | T. | Immigrants: great migration from Britain to New Zealand 1830 - 90 | Godwit | Auckland | 1997 | Great migration from Britain to New Zealand 1830 - 90 |
Australia | Smee | C.J. | Third Fleet Families of Australia | Smee | ? | 1991 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Smee | C.J. | Fourth Fleet Families of Australia | Smee | ? | 1992 | (Self-explanatory?) |
Australia | Villiers | A. | Captain Cook, the Seaman's Seaman - study of the great discover[er] | Hodder & Stoughton | ? | 1967 | Study of Captain James Cook |
Australia | Westrip and Holroyde | J. and P. | Colonial Cousins - surprising history of Connections between Australia and India | Wakefield Press | Adelaide | 2010 | Surprising history of Connections between Australia and India |
Australia | Woolcock | H.R. | Rights of Passage - emigration to Australia (Queensland) in the Nineteenth Century | Tavistock Publications | London | 1986 | Emigration to Australia (Queensland) in the Nineteenth Century |