Reviews and Resources
Free National Archive downloads
April 24, 2020
In normal times, The National Archives at Kew is a great day out for Genealogists. It can be a bit daunting at first because of its size, but it is wonderful to go there and look at old documents that in some cases go back one thousand years. It is amazing to find an ancestor […] – read more…
Bignell Family Bible
September 22, 2013
A family bible that records an interesting sequence of events illustrating how useful these volumes are in tracing family movements. – read more…
National Archives Immigration Records Online
June 6, 2013
The National Archive have made available for search and download the records of thousands of C19th immigrants. HGS would be interested to hear from anyone with ancestors who migrated and settled in Hampshire. – read more…
The Internet Library of Early Journals
May 10, 2013
Researching family history means having to explore many avenues, one useful free resource is the Internet Library of Early Journals – read more…
Portsmouth (LDS) Family History Centre
May 10, 2013
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Family History Centre is a useful resource for family historians. – read more…
The Curtis Museum, Alton – a local resource
May 9, 2013
Local history museums can be a great resource for those researching their family history. The Curtis Museum in Alton Hampshire has some interesting topic material on local places and people. – read more…
Christ Church Portsdown Military Cemetery
March 15, 2013
Hampshire family historians will be interested in the military cemetery at Portsdown and its connection to the D-Day landings. – read more…
Using DNA as a tool in family history
March 8, 2013
DNA was offered as a tool to genealogists over a decade ago. Why should family historians consider having a test done and how might it further Hampshire family history research? – read more…
Aldershot Army Museum
February 12, 2013
Find out more about your Hampshire military family history by exploring the resources at the Aldershot Military Museum – read more…
Tithe Maps at the National Archives
February 8, 2013
What is a tithe? The National Archives have almost 12,000 tithe maps of England and Wales to help your research. – read more…
A History of Divorce
January 4, 2013
We think of divorce as a relatively modern phenomenon. But we spend a lot of research time unsuccessfully looking for missing spouses – so did divorce exist in the 1860s? – read more…