Hampshire Genealogical Society

John Heighes

Hampshire Genealogical Society New Milton and Christchurch Branch

It was with great sadness that we heard John Heighes had passed away last week. It is a great loss for his wife, Janet, and their daughters and families. Our thoughts are with them.

John had been the leader of the New Milton and Christchurch Branch for many years. A quiet, unassuming man he took charge ably and efficiently. One of his greatest gifts was his ability to delegate various tasks to members of the group, enabling meetings to run smoothly and happily. New members were always warmly greeted and made to feel welcome. He would ask about their research and direct them to more information if possible. The many talks he gave were interesting, informative and varied. Often he was invited to give them to other HGS groups and also the local Probus. Sadly he cannot now give the two new talks he prepared in lockdown.

John will also be greatly missed in the local community, especially the parish church, St Mark’s, where he served as a Lay Reader. They will mourn his loss.

He is probably best summed up in the words of one of our group members, “John was one of the nicest people I have ever met.”’

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