Online VE Day event
Wessex Film and Sound Archive / Hampshire Archives and LocalStudies VE Day online event.
We hope you are keeping safe and well during the current situation, and have enjoyed 100 Days of Film and our social media posts.
In common with many organisations, we are moving our planned VE / VJ Day event online, with a film screening with LIVE introduction and exhibition on Facebook and YouTube, a first for us, so we hope you will join us!
Details have just been posted on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/320934375548626/
Full event details are here; please do share them with others:
This is Your Victory – Dive into the archives 75 years on from VE Day
With the 75th anniversary of VE Day just around the corner, Wessex Film and Sound Archive and Hampshire Archives and Local Studies are offering a fascinating glimpse into their collections.
On the evening of 7 May 1945 the end of World War II was officially announced and the following day declared a national holiday – Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945.
British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, declared: ‘This is your victory! It is the victory of the cause of freedom in every land. In all our long history we have never seen a greater day than this. Everyone, man or woman, has done their best. Everyone has tried. Neither the long years, nor the dangers, nor the fierce attacks of the enemy, have in any way weakened the unbending resolve of the British nation[…].
Hampshire Archives and Local Studies and Wessex Film and Sound Archive hold a wealth of material about the region, its involvement in wartime and the peacetime celebrations.
On Friday 8 May there will be an online event – This is Your Victory.
At 11.30am, there will be a film screening with LIVE introduction and exhibition on Facebook and YouTube.
Zoe Viney from Wessex Film and Sound Archive will provide a live introduction.
How to watch
- You can join the event on Facebook @HampshireArchives or YouTube @WessexFilmArchive from 11.30am.
- The exhibition will go live at 12.30pm, a link will be shared in the film screening’s description and on the Facebook page, but people can also head directly to Hampshire Archives and Local Studies’ blog, where you will be able to view a selection of photos and documents: https://hampshirearchivesandlocalstudies.wordpress.com/
We hope you enjoy the show ?
Best wishes,
Heather Needham
Principal Archivist (ICT & e-services)
Hampshire Archives and Local Studies
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