Hampshire Genealogical Society

Were you a Beverley Babe?

Beverley Babes

The Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home

As Britain prepared for the possibility of going to war with Germany, the Southsea based Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home, known as Bowland, made plans to evacuate their premises, with patients and staff to be taken to Beverley House, Wickham.

On the 1st September 1939 – two days before Britain declared war on Germany – it was announced that the evacuation would take place the following day. And so on the 2nd September, patients from the Royal Naval and Royal Marine Maternity Home were driven to Wickham on two buses.

Beverley House was to remain in operation as a naval maternity home throughout the war. It is estimated that about 2,000 babies were born at Beverley House – they are affectionately known as the “Beverley Babes”.


If you were born at Beverley, we would love to hear from you. A short write-up with date of birth plus information on Dad – what he did in the Navy, any ships he served on – would be wonderful.

Or perhaps your family helped look after the mums and babies?

Do you have any memories or photos to share?


There was a Beverley Babes exhibition at the St. Nicholas Church Fete in June 2017.

This year’s Fete is Saturday 9th June 2018. There will be some of the 2017 materials on display plus a collection of additional information, including mini biographies of several ‘Babes’.

The Fete opens at 12:30pm and is held in the grounds of Beverley House on the Southwick Road, Wickham, PO17 6HR

We would be thrilled if any Beverley Babes could join us!  


To get in touch, please contact Jane Painter by phone: 07979 591723 / email: janexpainter@hotmail.co.uk

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