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Sarah Lee of Bentworth – ‘Her teeth are well preserved’
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I looked at ‘Notes and Queries’, a publication dating from the Victorian period, and found this copy of a letter in the issue of 27 December 1862:-
‘I owe to the kindness of a correspondent … the information that there is now living at Alton, in Hampshire, a woman named Sarah Lee, who was born and baptized at Lasham in the year 1759; born on the 3rd of May, baptized on the 4th of June; and who is therefore in her 104th year. She was the daughter of Robert Trimmer and Margaret his wife. Sarah Lee is in the possession of her faculties, and is able to move about, and assist herself. Her teeth are well preserved. This statement is made on the authority of the Rev. G. F. Smith, Curate of Lasham. G. C. Lewis.’
The Hampshire Chronicle of 9 January 1864 had an article which read:
‘Subscription open.
Sarah Lee of Bentworth, lived to 104, died last Monday at the home of one of her grandsons in Alton. Walked from Bentworth to Alton 12 months ago last September. Her grandmother died at 103, a brother at 93, daughter died at Ryde at 82.’
Article written and submitted by Jane Hurst, HGS member of the Alton Group.