Install Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF Files
Install and Download Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF Files on Your PC, Mac, or any Supported Mobile Devices
Adobe Acrobat Reader is FREE and available on the Internet to download, if not already installed, on your PC, Laptop, Tablet, or other supported device (versions are available for Windows, Macintosh, or Apple IOS).
If you need to download the free Acrobat File Reader you can do this via this link to the official Adobe Site
What is Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Why do we use it?
It enables a full print view of electronic documents that can be read online and/or downloaded offline as well as printing to paper. It is ideal for both forms and documents. It is a FREE application, an international standard that is widely adopted and hence many downlaods from HGS are in this format. The files are created and supplied in PDF format that the Reader can then view.
What is a PDF?
PDF is an abbreviation for “Portable Document Format”. It is also the file extension for files created in Acrobat PDF format, and you can find out more about the PDF file format from this Wikipedia link.